info | glossary, help & related links |
Wilo | Wilo is a trademark of Wilo corporation |
XREF | When the produkt code contains the suffix XREF of RMP, it is a replacement produkt, RMP means it is produced by the same producer, XREF by another one. |
circulator (alternative denominations) | circulator , circulators, circulating pump, circulation pumps |
XREF | When the produkt code contains the suffix XREF of RMP, it is a replacement produkt, RMP means it is produced by the same producer, XREF by another one. |
alternative product codes | DOS65/125r XREF,DOS65-125r , GHND65-120F , Wilo & Xref |
alphabetical index | Use the index page to find easily a product code, each brand has an index page, to reach this page, click on upper left menu option |